Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Decorating THE Tree

Note to self:  If EVER in the future we get a huge tree, plan LOTS of extra time for decorating.
Well.  We are on Day #3 of decorating this tree.  Yesterday, I decorated around the house and got the beads and angels put on the tree.  Today, the kids put the bulbs on during their lunch break from school.
I'll try to remember to put a finished product photo on later (see below) . . . after I finish putting bulbs on the very top of the tree where the kids couldn't reach. {sigh}

Butterfly the ballerina balancing to place bulbs on our beautiful tree.

There were about 10 bulbs in the section Bud is standing at.  He was doing a real thorough job.

After we explained that he needed to spread them around a little, I found him saying, "Hmm" with his finger to his mouth as he stared at the tree.

Teamwork! YAY! And they did it on their own.
Funny side story:  Yesterday the kids were digging through the Christmas stuff while I was decorating, and they were trying to figure out whose snowman toy was whose.  One child commented, "Hey, we figured that out without fighting about it."  I told them that is the goal!  We are getting there.  Slowly.

Our 2012 Christmas Tree ~

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